Monday, March 26, 2018

How to work with HAM satellites

Browsing the web, I stopped to this interesting blog site, also HAM oriented. It's name is AMSAT-UK and they have so much interesting texts.
Here is link to one of their blogswritten for communication with satelites with given frequencies and shifts.
AMSAT-UK how to work with HAM satelites.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vellman CW (Morse) decoder

Couple of days ago a friend of mine post add, selling his almost new Vellman cw decoding kit. I miss a moment so my other friend bought it. Today he make a post on FB that show this thing actually work despite all bad copies made from China :)
I google a little and I found schematics for this great cw (morse) decoder so I decided do make a "footprint" of it on my blog.
I hope someone will find it and use it and find it interesting too.